ABOUT MONSTERS Name Kill Weapon Headless knife/guns Zombie knife/guns Banshee blue/orange/purple crystal(s) Ghouls knife/guns Ooz guns Invisible Demon guns Nightmare guns Electric Orb guns Skitter guns Sentinel green crystal Flamethrower guns Ghast guns Venomous Skitter guns Greater Nightmare guns (armour piercing) Purple Monster gas mask* Green Ooz none (get poisoned) * Note: It is generally believed that the gas mask does not help, though some have claimed that they were not damaged by the Purple Monster when they had it on. POTIONS: Clear Blue: healing Bubbling Red: time slowing Pale violet: temporary invulnerable/iron skin Thick Brown: poison -> to get by the Green Ooz CRYSTALS: (Judicious usage of crystals is strongly recommended; i.e., don't use them unless it's absolutely necessary) Yellow: Communication with dead soldiers Blue: Freeze Orange: Burn Green: Earthquake (area damage) Violet: Lightening (area damage) Black: Turn to stone (not many uses)